We Guarantee To Pay the Best Price

We buy Gold in any form or condition (see sterling silver criteria below). There are different types of gold and we buy them all (10 kt, 12 kt, 14kt, 16kt, 18kt, 21kt, 22kt, and 24kt). We will purchase anything made out of gold or we will refine it for you.

We don’t charge to test your material. If you’re not sure, bring it in and let us test it for you at no charge

gold metal coins

In gold, a karat is a unit of purity and 24-karat (24k) gold is pure gold. Because it is soft, gold is often mixed with other metals to make jewelry. At Precious Metals Refining NV, you can sell us any purity of gold including 10k, 12k, 14k, 16k, 18k, 21.6k, 22k, and of course 24k.

We’ll buy Rings, Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces, Nuggets, Raw form gold, casting grains, plumed gold, dental gold, coins, scrap, and bars. If you have anything made out of gold, we will purchase it